Tested and documented quality
The raw materials used in production will be monitored carefully in different phases.
We offer high quality products to our customers. Our entire production chain is traceable and documented. We use only high quality raw materials, and test both the raw material and final product quality by internal and external laboratories.
During the multi-stage production process, hulls, oil, lecithin and molasses are extracted from “the rest” which make up the principal soy and rapeseed products meal, oil and protein concentrate.
Harmful microbes e.g. Salmonella spp. will be destroyed in the production process and Nordic Soya products are tested Salmonella-free, before releasing to the market.
We have a HACCP program in place to recognize critical control points and our quality assurance adheres to the GMP+ quality system. Additionally we have received FoodChain ID Non-GMO certification.
Nordic Soya is also certified for Halal and Kosher.